Project Dreams is a BUSD rewarding and an auto liquidity generating BEP20 token. Buys and Sells will auto generate BUSD rewards and liquidity for project dreams token.
Project Dreams (PRO)
Project Dreams Token (PRO) is an BEP20 token built on the Binance network
Token Name: Project Dreams
Token Symbol: PRO
Token Decimals: 18
Token Type: BEP20
Total Max Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000
Contract Address: 0x83e575d69397541Cf89f80758eeE63bdA8345Bf6
PRO Tokenomics
Project dreams has a 5% buy tax and a 5% tax. These fees are used for BUSD rewards, Liquidity, buybacks and marketing. All marketing tax will be only used to help increase project dreams token value through advertisement or other marketing proposals. *Tax fees can be changed by the project owner but will remain the same unless requested by the majority of project dreams token holders.
Buy Tax 5%
1% BUSD rewards
2% Buy Back
1% Marketing
1% liquidity
Sell Tax 5%
1% BUSD rewards
2% Buy Back
1% Marketing
1% liquidity
Last updated